Shipwright Harbor features 250 protected deep water boat slips. Each 20-78 foot slip offers water and electric, and is leased on an annual basis from April 1 – March 31. A short transit out the creek offers direct access to the open Bay.

Shipwright’s comprehensive marina amenities include:

  • Private, Saltwater Swimming Pool
  • Temperature-controlled  Bathhouses
  • New Outdoor Kitchen
  • Picnic areas with Fire Pit and Grills
  • Complimentary Slipholder Events
  • Complimentary  WiFi
  • Complimentary Kayaks and Bikes
  • Laundry Facilities Lockers
  • Free Self-service Pump-out Station
  • Storage Lockers
  • Dinghy Storage
  • Lend-It Leave-It Library
  • Nearby Fuel Dock, Restaurants, Grocery
  • Resort Style Outdoor Showers

    Welcome Transients

    Shipwright Harbor can accommodate all who arrive at our marina. Reservations for transient boat dockage are highly recommended.
    Call ahead at (410) 867-7686.

    Our transient rates are as follows:

    $2.25 ft/LOA daily
    $8.00 per 30-amp service per night
    $10.00 per 50-amp service per night

    The marina is open from 9 am – 5 pm daily.
    If you are arriving later than our open hours and will need assistance, call us in advance by phone and we will arrange to meet you.

    We look forward to seeing you soon!

    Looking for a slip?

    Share your information below and we’ll be in touch with prices and availability.

    Boat Slip Request

    Type of Slip*

    Do you live on your boat?*

    15 + 4 =