6047 Herring Bay Road, Deale, MD 20751
- From Washington: Take Rt. 495 to Rt. 4 south 15 miles, take right onto Rt. 258 (Bristol/ Deale). Follow Rt 258 5 miles to first stop light. At the stop light make a right onto Rt. 2 1/4 mile and take first left onto Rt. 256, follow Rt. 256, 2 miles to the Marina.
- From Baltimore: Take Rt. 695 to Rt. 97 South 18 miles (Rt. 97 will merge with RT. 665 Aris T. Allen Blvd.) to Rt. 2 South 16 miles and take left on Rt. 256. Follow Rt. 256, 2 miles to the Marina.
- From Annapolis: Take Rt. 2 South 16 miles and take left on Rt. 256. Follow Rt. 256. Follow Rt. 256, 2 miles to the Marina.
Need help? Call us at 410-867-7686
Navigating into Rockhold Creek:
Navigating into Tracey’s Creek:
Marina Map