Limited Time OfferSlip Size Slip Rate
32' 2,200
35' 2,400
40' 2,700 Call to schedule your tour at 410-867-7686 or email
Offer expires September 30, 2019.
Just 20 minutes from
the Beltway, Shipwright
provides easy docking
and direct access to the
Chesapeake Bay
Private Saltwater Pool
Temperature-controlled Bathhouses
Slipholder Events
On-site Mechanic
Free Self-Service Pump-out Station
Complimentary WiFi
Complimentary Kayaks and Bikes
Slipholder Event Schedule
Pool Party, August 24
Cruisin' The Creeks, Sept 7
Seafood Fest, Sept 21
Slipholder Breakfast during Annapolis Sailboat Show, Oct 12
Slipholder Oktoberfest during Annapolis Power Boat Show, Oct 19