The Point : Shipwright Harbor Marina News and Happenings (copy 02)

Shipwright Harbor
News and Happenings
Issue No. 1, May 2017


     This is the first of many e-newsletters to come, designed to "pass the word" regarding marina news and events. We'll add articles and entries as it develops.

     Ideas? Send 'em all to Capt. Dave Hill, F-25,, or Zoe Black,

We Heard You!
     It has been a few months now since Herrington Harbour Marinas began operating Shipwright Harbor and, with your recommendations, exciting things are underway. We dredged every slip on F-Dock as well as the fairway leading to the lift well. Structural improvements were made to all docks and every electrical box was taken apart and inspected. The bathhouses received attention and we added a sink to the laundry room. The entrance road has been paved and installation of a new WiFi system has begun, which will continue to be complimentary. The pool will feature new furniture and will be slipholder-only. Picnic tables, grills, and dock-carts have been added. Hose holders, line holders, and fire extinguisher boxes are all being replaced. 
     All marinas are unique in their own geography and offerings. The character of Shipwright will be preserved while improvements are being made.
     Shipwright continues to be its own entity, therefore, there will not be reciprocal docking and amenity privileges between Shipwright and Herrington Harbor Marinas at this time. 
     As a slipholder here at Shipwright, we will continually be seeking your input and suggestions. Shipwright is a beautiful property and the slips have amazing views of both the creeks and the Bay. We will enhance the aesthetics as much as functionally possible so it feels comfortable for the community as a whole. 
     We look forward to launching the 2017 season and enjoying the marina with everyone in this wonderful boating community. 
Meet the Salty Staff
Jed: General Manager
Bob: Marina Manager
Linda: Office Manager
Scott: Dockmaster
Zoe: Marketing and Sales Manager
Bobcat: The Boss

New Staff in the Spotlight

     Zoe Black was born and raised in the Annapolis area and has worked at Herrington Harbour South as a dockhand since she was 15. In the fall of 2011 she began attending Goucher College, in Towson, as a dance major. She graduated in May of 2016 and continued to work at South through the summer. Realizing the time had come to get a "real job" she turned to the world of insurance. However, she kept her weekends full of saltwater and pump-outs, continuing to work the docks at South, and was soon offered a position to stay onboard at the marina full time. Once told of the opportunities on the horizon at Shipwright, she made the short trek over and immediately fell in love with the land and feel. Zoe is the Marketing and Sales Manager, and is looking forward to many years of summer cookouts at The Point, winter haul-outs, and dock walks with Bob the Cat. 

Boating Season Kick-Off Cookout

Meet us at The Point for burgers, brats, hotdogs, beer and wine, live music, dancing, and good company, Saturday June 3rd at 5pm.

Coast Guard Auxiliary Vessel Safety Examinations

The Auxiliary will be at the marina from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday, May 20th and Saturday, August 19th to conduct vessel safety examinations. No reservations necessary - just talk to one of the uniformed examiners. For Federal boating safety requirements see: A Boater's Guide to Federal Requirements for Recreational Boats.

Spring Commissioning Checklist

You know the drill! Check oil, sea cocks, batteries, steering, filters, flares, life jackets, anchors, lines, pumps, hoses, fenders, and ice machine. Double check to make sure all your safety gear is in good shape. Check all radios, and get a radio check. Tip from Scott: Make your own first aid kit - get a waterproof container and fill it with band aids, first aid cream, pain relievers, gauze, wrap, and scissors. I always make sure my bee-sting kit is good to go too!

Dock Accessories

     We have worked through all the docks to ensure they're safe and clean. Old accessories have been removed and we're in the process of replacing line holders, hose holders, fire extinguisher boxes, and dock numbers. Going forward, we need accessories such as steps, guidelines, bumpers, and handles to be safe and uniform to create clutter free and aesthetically pleasing piers. 
     We can provide bumpers and guidelines to you at a discounted price and will re-sell them to you at our cost with no charge for installation. Other accessories, such as steps and handles, need to be approved by the marina office to ensure proper hardware is used and items are convenient for you and your neighbor. Please contact the marina office for more information prior to installing items. Thank you for helping us make your home-port piers safe, clean, and uniform. 
Rumor Mill & Scuttlebutt

     The F-Dockers have agreed to extend eligibility for the highly coveted "Order of the Broken Prop" Award to all SHM slip holders. Many candidates will be nominated, but only the best will be selected. The current holder of the award (Dave) would like to pass it on as soon as possible! Details for nominations will be provided at the Kick-Off cookout. Until then, keep a seaman's eye open for such things as docking in the wrong slip, best (worst) docking language used during high winds, waiting for the Tracey's Creek Bridge to open, confusing the Choptank with the Little Choptank, steering a course of 361 degrees... you get the idea. 
Nautical Term of the Day: Three Sheets to the Wind

The sheet is the line that controls the sails on a ship. If the line is not secured, the sail flops in the wind, and the ship loses headway and control. If all three sails are loose the ship is out of control.
Boat Stuff for Sale

Have something boat related that needs a new owner? Let me know and we'll post it here!
Our mailing address is:
6047 Herring Bay Road
Deale, MD 20751

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