The Point : Shipwright Harbor Marina News and Happenings Issue No. 10


The Point | News and Happenings
Issue No. 10
Send in your work order!

     Begin by selecting the week that you prefer to be hauled out. Haul outs are generally scheduled for the "week of." Then complete the work request. 
     Click on the picture below to be directed to our website where you can fill out the work request online. Simply type your information directly into the document, save it to your computer, and send it to to submit. You can also stop by the office to pick up a printed version, or we can send one to you. Please make notes if you have any specific requests or instructions.
A Friendly Reminder
If you haven't already, don't forget to send in your signed contract and first installment to secure your slip for next season!
Winterization, Shrink Wrap, and More...

     Storing your boat on land, winterizing engines and systems, and shrinkwrapping provides the best peace of mind for winter. Hagan's Marine Services are on-site and can handle your winterization and shrink wrap.

     Give them a call at (410) 570-3034 or (410) 634-4009, or send them an email at to schedule your winterization services. 

The dock water will be turned off on or around Wednesday, November 22nd. 
If you like what you see, leave us a review on the following site!
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6047 Herring Bay Road
Deale, MD 20751

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