The Point : Shipwright Harbor Marina News and Happenings Issue No. 19


The Point | News and Happenings
Issue No. 19

Great Breakfast

Here's a big thank you to everyone who helped provide a delicious spread for breakfast last weekend. On behalf of the 80 or so people who enjoyed this, it was wonderful. We are very fortunate to have a boating community full of willing and talented chefs who are eager and willing to share their talent with some of us who are a bit challenged in the cooking department.
We thank Dave, Vic, and their crews for the shopping and cooking, as well as those who brought some pot-luck treats. As we enter a new season with many activities and events, there will be lots of pot-luck opportunities to share with the community. We can't wait to see what's in the next spread!

Upcoming Events

MAY 2018

Boater Yard Sale

Saturday, May 5th
8 am - 1 pm 

Spring clean your boat! Contact David or Lucy at Herrington Harbor North to reserve a table at the Boater Yard Sale located in the West Marine parking lot. It's open to the public and a great way to unload your unused items, and maybe even find a few treasures...

Dock Bar Party

Saturday, May 12th
1 pm - 3 pm

NEW EVENT ALERT! Join us for fun and festivities at the C and D Dock intersection! Accompanied by Sea Shanty Songs by Eastport Shout and music by the South Creek Boys, there will be a Dock Bar Naming Contest. Beer, refreshments, and world famous Vic’s hot dogs and chips will be provided! Don't miss it! RSVP by May 8th. 

New for the 2018 season, Dockside Restaurant is offering Preferred Customer Cards for Shipwright Slipholders. These cards entitle you to monthly specials that go beyond specials offered to the general public. For the month of May, the preferred customer specials include:
  • Free Coffee w/Breakfast
  • Free Tea or Soda with Lunch
  • 2 for 1 Crushes (not valid during Happy Hour)
  • Half Priced Appetizer with One Dinner Entree
These cards are available for you to pick up at the marina office. 

Captain with Confidence

Another season has begun and it's time to get your props wet! Don't let your lack of confidence captaining your vessel keep you docked this summer. Jeff Bowen at The Sailing Academy offers courses to help you captain with confidence. Whether you're new to boating or upgraded to a new boat, transitioned from sail to power or just want to master the tricky parts of operating your vessel, Jeff Bowen can help you learn to:
  • Dock with confidence
  • Navigate with Charts and Electronics
  • Learn Boat Systems
  • Practice Close Quarters Vessel Handling
  • Hands on Sailing or Powerboat Training
  • Getting to know your boat
.....and more! Jeff Bowen is also highly proficient in the handling of catamarans! Give them a call at (410) 867-7177, or send them an email to reserve a private instruction session.

Slip Referral Program

Refer a new slipholder and recieve 5% off annual slip fees for you and your friend!

Contact the marina office for details.
If you like what you see, leave us a review on the following site!
Google Reviews
Our mailing address is:
6047 Herring Bay Road
Deale, MD 20751

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