The Point : Shipwright Harbor Marina News and Happenings Issue No. 26


The Point | News and Happenings
Issue No. 26


     We're gearing up for a weekend of Independence Day Celebrations. Join us at the pool Saturday, June 30th at 6pm for burgers, hotdogs, and beverages. Feel free to bring your favorite side dish! Then fire up your boat and head on out to open water for a waterside view of the Chesapeake Beach Firework Show starting at sundown (roughly 8:30/9pm).

Local Summer Events

SoCo Farmer's Market

Deale Library  |  Every Thursday from 3-6pm

The South County Farmer's Market has a new home at the Deale Library. Gather up your re-usable grocery bags and head on over to the Deale Library for some Windermere Farms' fresh mushrooms, homemade baked goods from Bell House Bakery, honey and apple cider from Honey Harvest Farms, some Van Alstine seafood, and handmade goat milk soap and other goodies and vendors.

Deale Carnival

July 17th - 21st
7pm - 10pm

Every year the Deale Volunteer Fire Department puts on a fundraising carnival. It is the event of the season for locals and definitely not one to miss! Click below for more information!
Deale VFD Fireman's Carnival Info

Destination: Quiet Waters State Park

     Located off the South River, Quiet Waters park features a deep water anchorage in Harness Creek surrounded by the 340 acre park. Click below to read the full article!

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Deale, MD 20751

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