The Point : Shipwright Harbor Marina News and Happenings Issue No. 32


The Point | News and Happenings
Issue No. 32
Great Party Last Saturday!
     Saturday's party was a lot of fun and it was just such a good vibe. With the help of our Party Committee, we've had an unprecedented amount of events so far this year and more to come!
     Huge thank you to Dave Hill and the rest of our Party Planning Committee who got these parties lined up last spring and organizing the competitions. 
     Huge thank you to Vic Curtis and the rest of the cooking crew for delicious roast beef and fries and everyone else who brought a dish to share. 
     Huge thank you to everyone who attended, ate and drank heartily and just had a great time. 
And now for the winners of the competitions:
Volleyball: The Mighty Orcas
Cannonball Contest: Larry Landgraff
Swim Race: Megan Chapple 

*photos courtesy of Linda Curtis, Jed Dickman, Dave & Dorothy Hill, and Mark Schwenk.

Free Beer Fridays

August 24th, & 31st

Cool down at the pool every Friday evening with a beer on us. Start your weekend early!

Chesapeake Bay Magazine

Photo Contest

Click the picture below to enter Chesapeake Bay Magazine's 2018 Photo Contest! Submit your Bay themed photo by September 15th.

MarinaLife's Best Marina 2018 Contest Now Open!

Click the image to show cast your vote and show your support for Shipwright as the best large marina!

If you like what you see, leave us a review on the following site!
Google Reviews
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