The Point : Shipwright Harbor Marina News and Happenings Issue V2 I4


The Point  |  News and Happenings

Volume II . Issue IV

The Results Are In!
A big thank you to all who submitted their best shots of Shipwright in the summer! All the submissions were wonderful - it was hard to pick just three! The following winners receive bragging rights for the rest of the season, and will have their photos featured on Shipwright's Facebook and Instagram for the month of March!
1st Place
Jim Kegerreis
D-01 |  Sapphire
2nd Place
Brett Colby
E-20  |  Dreamcatcher
3rd Place
Kendra Smith
C-31  |  Carina
(not like we're counting or anything...)
Spring is just around the corner! (Can we all shout a collective - thank goodness!?) That means it's time to schedule your spring commissioning. Hagan's Marine Service can take care of all your spring commissioning needs but their schedule fills up quickly - don't delay! Call them at (443) 852-7400 or send them an email at to get on their schedule!

Dockside Specials in March

Dockside's Shipwright Slipholder Specials are looking good for the month of March. Bring your Preferred Customer Card to receive 5% off your check every time you go, and get a buy one entree get one 1/2 price after 4pm special! 
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