The Point Vol. 2, Issue 11


The Point  |  News and Happenings

Volume II . Issue XI

6047 Herring Bay Road
Deale, MD 20751
This Weekend at Shipwright Habor
Free Beer & Wine Fridays! 

Join us every Friday at the pool from 4 pm- 8 pm. Make it your Friday tradition to come unwind, enjoy the pool and catch up with slipholders.
Weekend Recap
Pig Roast Luau
The Pig Roast Luau was a huge success! We set a Shipwright record for the most attended slipholder event yet. Over 200 slipholders, family and friends gathered for a night of great food, live music by the South Creek Boys and lots of entertainment. Vic received the infamous broken prop award with pure class and joy. We can’t thank our slipholders enough for everyone’s efforts to make these events happen from year to year. I think it’s safe to say we will need a bigger pig next year!
Bob on the Move!

Bob had a little too much fun at the Luau. He is currently at Dun Cove recovering for a few days. Dun Cove is a popular local anchorage off Harris Creek that offers great protection from the South, West and North. It has several forks to explore with dept of 7 to 9 feet deep.

From Shipwright, you will travel 9 miles across the Bay to Knapps Narrows, then head north 2.4 miles up Harris Creek and Dun Cove is located right past Bald Eagle Point.

Dun Cove is a popular anchorage just 6 miles from St. Michael's. We encourage you to visit this popular anchorage this season.

Follow along weekly to see where Bob is headed next!
Where Our Stickers Fly
Stop by the office to pick up a sticker

This sticker is displayed at the Moomba Beach Tiki Bar in Aruba. 
Thanks for sharing Katie and Charlie McCaffrey!
Upcoming Events in the Area
SoCo Farmers' Market

Early June-Late September: Every Thursday 3 pm- 6pm
Located at the Deale Library:
5940 Deale Churchton Road 

Shop and buy local!
DrinkMaryland: North Beach

Enjoy an afternoon full of food, live music, friends, and local beverages! Featuring local Maryland wine, craft beer, spirits and cider. This open-air market style event is perfect for a casual Saturday afternoon and is sure to leave you entertained.

Admission to the event is free–All attendees can shop the local artisan & food vendors and enjoy the live music. But in order to receive a glass, partake in tastings, and purchase beverages by the glass, attendees must purchase a tasting pass wristband.
Click! For more informantion
Independence Day Firework Schedule

There's nothing quite like spending Independence Day on the Bay anchored out and watching fireworks over the water. Start making your plans for where you will be anchored out for the fireworks this year. 

The two closest firework displays are Herrington Harbor South and Chesapeake Beach, both on July 3rd. It will be a popular evening to anchor out. Click below for the full firework schedule:

2019 Fourth of July Firework Schedule

Independence Day Celebration - July 4th
Free Beer Friday with John Luskey-July 12th
Vic's Famous Beer Butt Chicken - July 27th
Movie Night at the Point - August 9th
Pool Party - August 24th
Seafood Fest - September 21st
Annapolis Sailboat Show Breakfast at SHM - October 12th
Annapolis Power Boat Show Oktoberfest at SHM - October 19th 
Office Email Directory
Office Hours: 9 am- 5 pm, 7 days a week

Jed Dickman:
Scott Berman:
Linda Brooks:
Jenn Collins:
Follow and like us if you haven't already!
Copyright © 2018 Shipwright Harbor Marina, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
6047 Herring Bay Road
Deale, MD 20751

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